Technical Agile Training


For Software Developers

Technical Agile master class 4.-5.9.2024

Learn to build code that is inherently adaptable to changing requirements and safe to deploy to production after every change. Technical Agile master class, a two day training held by Aki Salmi and Sami Lunnamo in Helsinki.

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For Software Development Teams

It’s not just large organizations with legacy code and complex dependencies that benefit from applying the Technical Agile Practices. Getting started with crafting easy-to-test and maintainable code creates a stable base for growth and scaling.

Agile Methods + Technical Agile Practises =

  • Fewer unpleasant surprises

  • More reliable forecasting

  • Better developer experience

  • Great software delivered

Technical Agile Training introduces testing, refactoring, and emergent design skills that enable individuals and teams to follow the eXtreme Programming values of Communication, Simplicity, Feedback, Courage, and Respect.

Exercises on three learning paths are done as pair or ensemble programming and with programming languages that are in use in your organization. The fourth learning path brings all you’ve learned in exercises to your production code: hands-on learning through actually just working.


Build Trust in your tests

Clarity on

  • what makes a good test

  • how to write a test

  • drive development with thin vertical slices

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Learn to test anything

Become an expert in

  • understanding what makes code hard to test

  • writing easy-to-test code

  • adding tests to legacy code

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Refactor with Confidence

Find mastery from

  • atomic refactorings that are safe

  • turning mess into clarity

  • improve code readability

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Technical Agile in Production

Bring all to production code

  • trust your tests

  • learn to test anything

  • refactor with confidence

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Trainer & Coach

Aki Salmi


Build Trust in Your Tests

This learning path starts with figuring out how to test any unit. A unit, in this case, can be anything from a function to a whole subsystem.

We also learn a new view of Object Oriented Design - we learn to see objects (or functions, if the client works in the FP world) as shapes: something that responds to certain messages.

The training ends with a fully-fledged Double-Loop TDD where we learn how to split work to the smallest valuable shippable increment and make increments safe to merge to the main.

The training teaches how to use customer-facing tests to guide the development of the deliverables and how to combine that with Test Driven Design.

The magic of this learning is that with this knowledge, you know how to test any specific part of your code, regardless of the complexity & the shape of the problem.

For a group of max 16 developers
8000€ + VAT

Learn to Test Anything

Ever having a code that seems impossible to test and scary to touch, yet it needs to be changed because of new/changed requirements? For Technical Agile Leadership, automated testing is a crucial skill to enable viscosity and emergent design. In this training, the necessary skills are learned by a series of practical and hands-on exercises where we learn to

  • identify what makes code hard to test.

  • how to change hard-to-test code into easy-to-test code

  • few ways to start adding tests to cover edge cases of the code.

After this training, you have learned the legacy code dilemma: To change code, you need tests; to add tests, you need to change code. And more importantly, you have learned few tricks how to safely change code to start adding tests.

For a group of max 16 developers
8000€ + VAT

Refactor with Confidence

Refactoring - changing production code without changing its behavior is a crucial Technical Agile Leadership skill. It enables us to truly follow the XP value of simplicity and embrace emergent design's benefits.

To refactor with confidence, we learn

  • the atomic refactorings that are safe and easy

  • how to change the design to make code easier to test

  • how to use basic and simple refactorings to change messy code to follow the hexagonal architecture

Once you’ve attended this training, you’ve learned how to take any piece of code and make it a bit easier to read for the next person working on it.

For a group of max 16 developers
8000€ + VAT

Technical Agile in Production

Bring all the Technical Agile Leadership of Wonna people to your teams. Work together in an ensemble on production code while integrating all the learnings into the production code.

Each day consists of

  • intensive two-hour ensemble programming on actual production code

  • a 'learning hour' which aims to enrich folks' basic programming skills.

Technical Agile in Production is ten intensive coaching days within three weeks. During the coaching sessions, the team learns effective ways to introduce testing, design, and refactorings to the existing codebase while also learning the effective and efficient way to share knowledge and foster teamwork.

Pricing example: 10 x 3h for one team 18 000€ + VAT


Not quite sure what would be the best approach for your company?

Hilkka and Aki would love to hear about how your software development teams want to level up at technical excellence and productivity and plan with you how to achieve that.