Technical Agile master class

a two-day training on 4.-5.9.2024 in Helsinki

Learn to build code that is inherently adaptable to changing requirements and safe to deploy to production after every change.

Looking for the registration already? Find it here!

What is Technical Agile?

Solid skills in Technical Agile empowers developers to work efficiently and with confidence in any codebase. Technical agile is based on XP (eXtreme Programming) principles and practices. It is a skillset that enables incremental changes that are safe and gradually improves quality and provides rapid feedback. With strong Technical Agile skills, the software development provides the responsiveness that the business needs to be truly agile.

The skills we practice in this workshop are the basic building blocks of technical agility, e.g., how to test any unit, how to transform hard-to-test code into easy-to-test code, and basic refactoring tools and techniques.

The theory and techniques you learn in this hands-on workshop help you write tests and code any developer, even newcomers, can read and understand! You also learn ways to simplify your business logic and discover emergent architectural patterns in your application simultaneously.

Learning objectives

  • Learn how to teach unit testing in your team

  • Experience the benefits of using TDD (Test Driven Development) as your design driver

  • Learn to transform hard-to-test code into easy-to-test code with confidence

  • Apply relevant testing strategies to support the development task

  • Learn a few refactoring techniques that are usable in any codebase

  • Learn to write readable code everyone likes

Who should attend Technical Agile master class?

Everybody writing code, regardless of seniority, will find something worthy of their time during the Technical Agile master class.  You will gain inspiration, if you wish to achieve any of the following changes in your context:

  • transform (untestable) legacy code into code that has a safety net for changes

  • learn how to bring Technical Agile practices to your team

  • try out test-driven development in your daily work.

  • Definition of Done requires testing, but you find testing unproductive? Learn to make testing easy

During the two days, we will work a lot in an interactive manner and in small, focused groups. Active participation is therefore required and every participant should expect to pair up with other attendees.

Requirements and Skill Levels

  • Written and spoken English at a professional level

  • Comfortable in producing code in a language of your choice

  • A laptop with your favourite development environment setup

Getting the green light for this training

See our suggestions for convincing your boss why you and your teammates should be allowed to participate in the Technical Agile master class.

Location, schedule & trainers


Training is held in Valo&Work Hotel in Helsinki, Finland. It’s easy to get there either by public transport or by car. Please see the instructions for arrival here.


Technical Agile Master class is a two day training full of coding, discussion and having a great time! The more detailed content is shared later.

Day 2 - 5.9.2024

08:00 Breakfast
09:00 Session III
11:30 Lunch
12:30 Session IV
17:30 Closing the master class

Day 1 - 4.9.2024

08:00 Breakfast
09:00 Session I
11:30 Lunch
12:30 Session II
17:30 Closing the day


Get your tickets


Normal price 1750€ + VAT per person

Buying more than three tickets for your company? We’ll calculate a group discount for you.

All prices include the training, breakfast, lunch, snacks and beverages for both days.


Fill the form below to reserve your tickets! After submitting the form, you’ll receive a confirmation email with a couple of questions about invoicing details and the names of the participants. Once invoice is paid, you have access to the training.


We are happy to help, send a message to: