Get to results faster with Codefest


Your organisation needs a development leap?

Many corporations try to make things happen faster by multitasking more. This leads to messaging back and forth, developers waiting for clarifications and for other teams’ deliverables, having more meetings and follow-up meetings - and then again frustratingly slowly to having the software solution in production.

Multitasking Challenge.png

Stop starting, start finishing

Codefest is two exceptionally productive days of focus, teamwork, and coding in an enterprise environment. It brings together the relevant technology expertise, the business requirements, and the user insight.


“When developers from different teams were present and we got answers to questions immediately, we got so much done. Usually you’d wait for answers for a long time.”

“Being able to focus on a common goal together and without the usual disturbances made a huge difference in progression of the feature. Also, I was surprised how much I could learn from working tightly together with other developers.”

“After the event it is so much easier to reach out to the other team.”

“Could we work together like this more often?”

Exceptional productivity Unlocked


How to GEt started with organising a codefest?

We can help you with that!

We’ll map with you your organisation’s potential for organising a Codefest.

You will also get a concrete action plan of how to get the Codefest production started.

In case you have your hands full already, we can join you in this Codefest project as facilitators and producers so that you can focus on reaping the business benefits and enjoying getting things done.